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STUDY in ITALY - Overview

  • Accredited Universities

    Capital City



    EUR, Euro


    Italian / English


    35 universities

    Major Student Cites

    Rome, Milan Florence

Key lodestones Of STUDY in ITALY

  • Quality Education.
  • Affordable and Advanced literacy.
  • Encyclopedically honored Universities.
  • 100% Scholarship 
  • 5200 Euro Stipend/Year
  • Excellent Placement.
  • Part Time Work
  • Placement After Study
  • Long Term Work Visa
  • PR Visa
  • Indian Community

Explore Italy

Study In ITALY

Why in Italy
Key Features - 100% Scholarships For Free Of Studying in ITALY

Study In ITALY

About Universities
World Best Top Ranked Universities To Get Quality Education

Study In ITALY

About Expenses
100 % Scholarship Available Low Tuition Fees Affordable Living Cost

Study In ITALY

About Indian students In ITALY
Every time greater than 2000 Indian Students enrolled Every Year

Study In ITALY

Reasons to select Study In ITALY
Indian Veg Food Available In Mess Hired Part Time Work JOB Placement

Study In ITALY

About Placement & Residence Permit
Earn While Study JOB Placement & Residence Permit Afer Study

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Students who want to study abroad can get guidance from experts who have  International Legal Knowledge . These colleges offer a high-quality education that can help students become competent professionals.

Seeking admission to study abroad is a tedious task, but our experts can help make it easier. With years of experience, our consultants are the trusted source for all admissions-related information for studying in foreign countries. We can help you navigate the process and make the best decision for your future.

All-in-one assistant

We provide guidance and support to students throughout the their degree program, from the application and admissions process all the way to graduation. Study  abroad provides a great way to study your degree education at an affordable price. Also, the cost of living in these countries is very affordable for international students. Some students with high grades also get 100% scholarships from these universities.


Italy is one of the most beautiful and well-known countries in Europe. The country is full of history, art, and culture. Italian universities take great pride in their customs and traditions. They’ve a high position of academic excellence and are known for their exploration programs. Italy is an ideal place to work and study. There are plenitudes of study options in Italy for scholars from all academic backgrounds. Whether you ’re interested in wisdom, humanities, law, or operation courses, there’s commodity for everyone in Italy. also, utmost Italians are bilingual and can discourse in both Italian and English, making it easy for scholars to get around and communicate with locals. So, it’s no wonder that Italy is one of the most popular study abroad destinations for transnational scholars. In fact, according to numbers from some sources, roughly 35 percent of all transnational scholars head to Italy each time. This should not come as a surprise, given the wealth of educational openings on offer. Italy should be near the top of your list when choosing a study abroad destination. Italy is home to some of the world’s top universities, including the University of Bologna, one of the oldest universities in the world. Other notable universities in Italy include Rome’s La Sapienza University and Florence’s European University Institute. Italian universities are famed for their academic excellence, but they also offer a unique artistic experience. In addition to world-class installations and instruction, scholars can enjoy ancient remains, stunning geographies, and succulent food.Tuition at Italian universities is also fairly affordable compared to other Western European countries.  studying in Italy is within reach for scholars from all backgrounds. With its stunning decor and rich artistic heritage, Italy offers a truly unique study abroad experience.

Why Study In Italy


Italy has a lot to offer scholars looking for an amazing artistic experience. Not only is Italy home to some of the world’s most notorious workshop of art, armature, and cookery, but it also has some of the stylish universities in Europe. In addition to its world- class educational institutions, Italy is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture that scholars will be suitable to explore while they study there. • Studying in a foreign country can be an inconceivable experience that immerses you in another culture and provides openings to learn new effects. Italy is a great destination for scholars looking for a top- league university with an emotional transnational terrain. The country has some of the stylish universities in the world, including the University of Bologna, which is the oldest university in Europe. Italy also has a different geography and rich history, making it an intriguing place to live and study. • Italy is one of the most popular destinations for transnational scholars, and with good reason. freights are largely competitive and are lower than in the USA, Canada, and other European countries. Plus, the position of training is original to other advanced countries. Italy’s universities are known for their excellent faculty, exploration openings, and different course immolations. And with over,000 times of history and culture to explore, Italy is a great place to live and study. • The universities have English programs that are devoted to transnational scholars. And indeed if scholars do not know Italian, the people also speak the language easily, so it’s not a problem getting around or communicating with locals. Plus, there is a lot of history and culture to witness in this amazing country. From the ancient remains to the succulent food, Italy has commodity for everyone. • Italy is a country with an incredibly rich history and culture that has been formed over the centuries. moment, the ultramodern artistic life of Italy is incredibly different and dynamic, with a lot of art and suggestivetraditions.However, Italy should be at the top of your list, If you are allowing of studying abroad. • When you study in Italy, you have the occasion to choose flexible courses while completing your majors or masters. • The Italian people enjoy a high standard of living similar to the stylish in Europe, Australia, Japan, and the United States of America. This is incompletely due to the country’s strong frugality, which has been steadily growing since the end of World War II. The Mediterranean climate and beautiful country are also major lodestones . 100 Education to cover the complete expenditure of your entire course • Free Education freights • Free Accommodation & Food • fresh Education worthRs.8.70 Lacs for Masters and13.5 Lacs for Maids into your bank account.


Admission in World’s Top 200 Universities as per QS World University Ranking

Part-time work allowed

Part-time earning of Rs. 65,000 Per month

Italy is PR Friendly Country, it’s very easy to get PR.

10 times more Salary in comparison to a degree from India. Average Salary of Rs. 4 Lacs per month after bachelors’ and Rs. 5.5 Lacs per month after Masters.

Placement opportunity in whole of Europe though ERASMUS

Education System In Italy
The Italian educational system’s academic policies and procedures are based entirely on constitutional principles to ensure free, compulsory educational opportunities for all separated children. Therefore, it’s a basic principle of Italian educational precepts that every pupil has equal educational access to all styles. The highly standardized curriculum design was first developed to allow a transfer system to be implemented in public and private schools. In the past, rote memorization and assessments were conducted in classrooms, whereas more recent methods are geared toward fostering critical thinking and higher-order thinking skills. The distribution of expenses relating to education in Italy is handled between the Education Ministry and the Ministry of Finance. The two ministries have a partnership with the Labor and Social Security Ministry to support educational initiatives.

The education system in Italian universities is among the best in the world. Unlike in North America or Northern Europe, where discussion-based teaching is high on the list of priorities, Italian universities still rely heavily on lectures. This can be seen as a weakness by some, but others feel that this traditional teaching method allows for more one-on-one interaction between professor and student. Exams last more than 4 to 6 weeks, and students can choose when to schedule their exams within the period. Each examination is scheduled on several dates, and students can select a time to take their exams. Students cannot decline a mark and retake the assessment if they are dissatisfied with their initial result. The school year is composed of two phases. It begins in September and ends in February. The second quarter then begins in February and ends in July. The start and end dates for semesters, degree programs, and examinations in Italy vary from campus to campus, but each course comprises 20 weeks of instruction and a 6-week exam period.
Education figure & Cost Of Living In Italy
When considering the cost of living in Italy, it’s important to flash back that there’s a lot of variation from one part of the country to another. Like in theU.S. and other corridor of Europe, the cost of living tends to be advanced in the north than in the south. Several factors can affect how important it costs to live in Italy. casing is one of the biggest charges, and prices vary depending on the size and position of the apartment or house. serviceability can also be precious, especially if you have a large home with numerous appliances and electronics. Food is another major expenditure, and prices vary depending on what type of food you like. Traditional Italian cookery is generally more precious than fast food or pizza places. still, there are plenitude of affordable caffs if you are willing to explore off the beaten path. Below is a general computation of common charges that a person needs to spend while living in the country

Study In Italy For Indian Students
 Italy is among the most popular study destinations for Indian scholars, not only for its stunning and graphic locales but also due to the frequence ofpre-university courses. Italy offers a wide range of courses and programs, making it an seductive destination for scholars studying abroad. also, the Italian education system is known for its quality and rigor. scholars who graduate from an Italian university frequently have an edge in the job request. When it comes to affordability, Italy comes out on top. The cost of studying in Italy is much lower than in other countries in Europe and the United States. There are a variety of literacy and subventions available to scholars, making education more affordable. In addition, living charges in Italy are fairly low, making it easy for scholars to budget their plutocrat. With its rich history and beautiful geography, Italy is a great place to study abroad and witness a new culture for Indian scholars. Italy is a great place to study, with numerous openings to do so free of charge or for veritably modest prices. Public sodalities in Italy are education-free for scholars whose parents’ periodic ménage income falls below a certain threshold. Indeed if your parent’s income is above that quantum, you can still attend a public council in Italy for veritably low education rates. In addition, numerous private sodalities and universities in Italy offer literacy and other fiscal backing to transnational scholars. So whether you are looking for a prestigious university or a more affordable option, Italy has commodity to offer you. Besides, you should also know that public transportation is the most accessible and affordable way to commute in Italy. Commuters only need to pay a many euros for a single trip on the machine, train, or wagonette. In addition, there are numerous different transportation options available, so commuters can always find a route that fits their requirements. The public transportation system is also veritably dependable, with motorcars and trains running on schedule utmost of the time, making it an ideal place for Indian scholars to study.
Education To Study In Italy
There are numerous education openings for Indian scholars to study in Italy. The government of Italy, universities and private associations offer literacy to transnational scholars. These literacy are available for graduate and postgraduate scholars and doctoral campaigners. The Italian universities also offer literacy to transnational scholars. These literacy are generally merit- grounded, and the quantum and duration of the education vary from university to university. Private associations also offer literacy to transnational scholars. These literacy are generally for a specific course or program, and the quantum varies from association to association. All scholars in Italy, anyhow of whether they’re Italian citizens, qualify for the same fiscal aid services as Italian scholars according to the same fiscal capabilities and merit norms. There are government literacy at public and original situations to which transnational scholars have access. In addition, some Italian universities have Italian education programs for transnational scholars who are enrolled there. The Italian Government awards literacy to Italian and foreign citizens who live abroad for postgraduate study in Italy. The literacy are handed for Masters position 2( Master’s Degree 2- Cycle), Higher Education in trades, Music, and Dance( Faculty of Art, Music, and cotillion),Ph.D. program, and exploration under academic supervision( systems under supervision), and others.

Some Of The Stylish literacy For Indian scholars Include

• Scuola Normale SuperiorePh.D. literacy
• Bologna University Study subventions for International Students
• Bocconi Merit and International Awards
• Politecnico di Milano Merit- Grounded literacy for International Students
• Italian Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Students
• Padua International Excellence Scholarship Programme
• EDISU Piemonte literacy
• Università Cattolica International literacy
• Politecnico di Torino International literacy

Qualifying Examinations To Study In Italy

Still, you must pass a qualifying test, If you want to study in Italy. The test is designed to insure that scholars have the needed position of education to study at an Italian university. The Italian Ministry of Education offers the examinations, and there are three different examinations available ) Aptitude Test for Foreign scholars( TSE) – This test is for scholars who want to study in a field that isn’t tutored in Italian universities. The test assesses the pupil’s capability to understand, speak, read and write Italian rightly. 2) University Preparatory test( CILS)- This test is for scholars who want to study at an Italian university but whose first language isn’t Italian. The test assesses the pupil’s capability to understand, speak, read and write Italian at a university position. 3) Hold an overseas, high academy parchment bachelorette’s degree( for scholars) certifying that you meet the minimal registration demand for university education in Italy at a minimum of 59 in your former two times of study. 4) colorful universities have separate admissions conditions for colorful programs. 5) Some programs have specific score conditions as well. Because the rules for admission vary from pupil to council, these are only the standard norms, and other conditions may vary from one academy to the coming.
Input To Study In Italy
Italy offers a wealth of educational openings and allows scholars to witness the country’s rich culture. There are two inputs in a time for admission in September and October and in January and February. It’s important to start the operation process beforehand, as spaces tend to fill up snappily. Be sure to probe the colorful seminaries and programs that fit your academic interests and requirements. The Italian education system is famed for its quality, so you can be sure that you’ll admit a top- notch education while studying in Italy. When scholars decide to study in a foreign country, actually making it be can feel daunting. Italy, in particular, is a popular destination for scholars looking to witness life in a different culture while entering an excellent education. still, numerous scholars are ignorant that the operation procedure for Italian universities can begin up to 8- 12 months before the intended input. This lengthy process is due, in part, to the number of literacy and fiscal aid openings available from Italian universities. Unfortunately, these literacy have different deadlines, which can range from university to university. Interested scholars need to start their exploration and operations as beforehand as possible to insure they do n’t miss any important deadlines.

Eligibility To Study In Italy
• 12th Completed or Pursuing with minimal 60 in 12th or 11th in case of pursuing 12th
• Minimal 55 inBachelors.However, MA, LL, If pursuing Bachelor’s also a minimum of 55 till the last appeared examination( ForMBA.M,M.Arch)
• minimal 60 in Maids. If pursuing Bachelor’s also a minimum of 60 till the last appeared examination( ForM.Sc,M.Tech, MHTM)
• A outside of 3 times of the gap is accepted for Maids and 8 times for Master’s course program.
• IELTS5.5 Band & above Italian universities aren’t regulated by a central body, meaning eligibility conditions can differ from one academy to the coming. For this reason, it’s important to do your exploration before applying to an Italian university. Keep in mind that each university has its own specific conditions, so it’s important to review the website of the institution you are interested in attending. Also, check whether or not the university offers English- language programs, as not all seminaries do. When it comes to pursuing a degree in Italy, the eligibility criteria vary depending on whether the universities are public or private. The academic conditions are generally grounded on your high academy grades and entrance examinations for those looking to attend a public university. still, for those looking to attend a private university, the academic conditions can be more demanding, taking evidence of proficiency in Italian or having completed former university- position courses. In addition to the academic conditions, you will also need to meet the visa and occupancy conditions to study in Italy.

Below are the general eligibility conditions you’ll need to know to study in Italy

• A High School Certificate or Bachelor’s Degree Certificate, depending on the program of your choice.
• The seeker must be 18 times of age
• Some knowledge of Italian vocabulary.
• 60 and above academic score
• One should be in good health and shouldn’t carry any contagious conditions.
• clones of the paraphrase of all records
The national language of Italy is Italian, so it is a great chance to learn another language. Having multiple languages is a fantastic skill, and looks great on your CV! If your course is taught in Italian, you need will need to provide evidence of your language proficiency. If you cannot provide this evidence, or need to improve your skills, many institutions offer language courses. As well as courses taught in Italian, an increasing amount are being taught in English. You will need to provide evidence that your English skills meet the required standard for your specific course. If you do not meet these standards, most institutions offer courses that will allow you to improve your language skills. If you choose to study in English, it is still encouraged that you make the most of being in a new country. You should immerse yourself in the culture and traditions. Try your best to pick up the Italian language and interact with the locals to help you improve. This will make your time more enjoyable, and has the potential to make you more employable!

The capital city of Italy, Rome is home to around 4.3 million residents. This makes it the fourth most populous city in the EU. Rome’s history spans over 28 centuries, and it is one of the oldest continuously occupied sites in Europe. The historic centre of the city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with sites such as the Colosseum and the Vatican. Due to its rich culture and history, Rome is perfect for foreign students and has something to offer everyone. Rome is an international centre for higher education, boasting many universities, colleges and academies in a variety of different fields. For example, La Sapienza is one of the largest in the world, and has more than 140,000 students enrolled. Also in Rome is the Istituto Europeo di Design, the Scuola Lorenzo de’ Medici and Rome Business School. Find out more about Universities in Rome.

The city of Milan has just over 1.3 million residents, making it the second most populous city in Italy after Rome. It has strengths in many fields, including finance, design and fashion. Milan is known as the world’s fashion and design capital, and hosts the Milan Fashion Week. The many art galleries and museums are visited by millions of people every year, and are home to some of the most important art collections in the world, including works by Leonardo da Vinci. There are 14 higher education institutions in Milan, offering courses in many different areas. For example, Bocconi University was established in 1902, and is a world recognised business school. You will also find institutions such as the New Academy of Fine Arts and the European Institute of Design located in the city.


Florence is the capital city of the Tuscany region of Italy. The city’s historic centre has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982, and Forbes ranked the city as one of the most beautiful in the world. The city is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, and has an interesting and turbulent political history, including periods of rule under the Medici family. Florence has numerous museums and art galleries, and is home to plenty of breathtaking architecture. You will find the University of Florence in the city, as well as Florence University of the Arts and Polimoda International Institute Fashion Design and Marketing. With the variety in types of institution, Florence is bound to have something for everyone!
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